Lab Equipment

Lab Infrastructure
- Autoclaves (2): Market Forge Sterilmatic, Harvey Sterilemax
- Water: Deionized Water System (Evoqua SDI2) and ( Milli-Q UV Plus)
- Ice machines
- Fume Hoods, certificated (6)
- Laminar flow hoods, certificated (9)
- OSHA-approved Hazardous Storage
- PBC Computing Station
- Cold Storage: 4C, -20C, -30C, -80C (remote monitoring by Elemental Insights)
- Walk in cold room
General Lab Bench Equipment
- Microcentrifuges, Centrifuges (Clinical, refrigerated, unrefrigerated)
- Water Baths, Heat Blocks/ stir plates, pH Meters
- Ultrasonic water baths, Sonicator, Orbital Shakers, Vortex Mixers
- Qsonica, Q125 Sonicator
- Vacuum Pumps, Rotary Evaporator
- Balances, top loading and analytical, marble tables
- Vacuum oven, Microwave ovens
Specialized Equipment
- Artillery Sidewinder large Format 3D Printer
- Bacterial Culture – Incubators – 2 static and 4 shaking
- Mediaclave / Plate Pourer
- Chemiluminnescence Imager, (Biorad VersaDoc Model 1000 Imaging System)
- Electrophoresis: Agarose and PAGE, hybridization equipment
- Fluorometer, Qubit 3.0
- Gel Doc Systems (2) BioRad
- HPLC, Agilent Technologies 1100 Series HPLC System
- Inverted Epifluorescence Microscope with automated wavelength switching, (Olympus IX0, Point Grey Blackfly U3-23S6M camera, Lumencor Sola Illuminator, Zaber excitation filterwheel, μΜ)
- iSeq 100 Sequencing Sytem , Illumina
- LP chromatography system (Biorad)
- Lyophilizer (Labconco Freezone 4L)
- Microscope (Olympus IX70 Inverted Epifluorescence - Roper CoolSNAP fx cooled CCD camera)
- Mass spectrometer (Advion expression-L single quadrupole ESI/APCI)
- Microplate Readers (4) including Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 (fluor, lum, abs)
- Microplate Washer, BioTek 405 TSUVS
- NMReady-60Pro IH/31P 60 MHz NMR Spectrometer (Nanalysis Corp.)
- Pulse XE 3D Printer for nylon, composites, and abrasive materials
- Spectrometer, BMG Labtech CLARIOstar
- Spectrophotometers, including SpectraMax Quickdrop Micro-volume spectrophotometer
- Real Time PCR System, Bio-Rad CFX96 with C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler
- Real Time PCR System, Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5
- Ultracentrifuge, Beckman TL-100

Tissue Culture Lab BSL-1
- Biosafety cabinets, certificated (2)
- CO2 Incubators -- Static (3)
- LN2 storage
- EVE Automated Cell Counter, Nanoentek
- Thermo Centra CL2 Centrifuge
- Inverted tissue culture microscope, with color camera
Tissue Culture Lab BSL-2
- Biosafety cabinet, certificated (4)
- CO2 Incubators – Static (7)
- Beckman Allegra X-30 Centrifuge with Cell Culture Package
- LN2 storage
- EVE Automated Cell Counter, Nanoentek
- NucleoCounter NC-200, Chemometec
- Inverted tissue culture microscope
- EVOS M5000 Imaging System, Invitrogen
- And more....

Conference rooms equipped with the Meeting Owl Pro
Kitchen areas
Fiber Optic internet
Data analysis software
CAD/CAM with SolidWorks 2019
Networked printers
Fax line
Package receiving

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